Micro-Credential Programme

Starting from the academic year 2021/2022 the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology offers a new micro-credential programme "Genome Analysis“.

The program, meant for people interested in bioinformatics and biotechnology, concentrates on the newest bioinformatic methods in top science enabling to reach the level of knowledge needed for graduate studies. For specialists already working in the field, the completion of the program increases the competitiveness in the labor market.

The program lasts for one academic year. The studies are mostly carried out online and all the practical trainings take place with the direct support of the qualified lecturer.

Everyone interested in bioinformatics with the need to use relevant analyze biological sequences or to use corresponding databases is welcome to the course. It is possible to transfer the passed courses using RPL (recognition of prior learning and professional experience) to Bachelor Study Program (Gene Technology) or Master Program (Molecular Biosciences).

The programme is meant for everyone interested in bioinformatics with the need to use relevant databases and to analyze biological sequences.

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